police written examsSince 1985 - My Mission has been to help my clients ACE their police promotion exams and move up the ranks in law enforcement.

I am Lt. Paul Patti (ret), Director of Police Career and Promotion Services, LLC.

Police Promotion Written Exams, Oral Boards and Assessment Centers.

Here is our current list of all 150+ police promotion exams. New exams just posted or coming soon! Contact our Police Promotion Testing Center or find further details in the Police Promotion Course;

This site is a personal blog and also a business biography, and is dedicated to all those very talented people attempting to move up the ranks in law enforcement, and who are looking for the information and tools to use to give themselves the edge over the competition. That is the business I have been in for well over 30 years; YOU - ACING your law enforcement promotion exams and assessments. It is the heart of my mission statement.

Are you looking for a police entry course? We also have the knowledge, expertise, skills and the ability to give you what you need to be hired in law enforcement.

If you are competing for corporal, sergeant or lieutenant, or even captain or higher, we have the exams and tests and study system you will need to achieve those ranks. Visit us for the exam, test questions, study guide and flashcards from your textbooks.

Since 1985, THOUSANDS of candidates have received our help and went on to achieve their positions and careers in law enforcement. You can read their testimonials. You can watch a quick YouTube video about us.

Study with hundreds more test questions written for your textbooks using the Advanced Police Promotion Testing Course at PoliceCareer.com

Police Promotion Oral Board Tip: Written Exam Resource

FREE - Receive an immediate login and a download link for the nation's #1 Police Promotion Study System!
Try the online exams and flashcards - at no cost. You'll receive an email with your login in the next few minutes.

police sergeant examsYou will be able to take free exams online to try out our system and also receive information on police oral boards, in-basket and assessment center topics.

"What is the surest way NOT to be HIRED or PROMOTED?"


"To think that it's easy. To think that you know it all, that you have it in the bag. You are a shoe in. You are a sure thing. The chosen one. It's a done deal.


You've heard the gossip. "They've already picked who they want."


And you think it's YOU.


Big mistake.


The truth is, the competition is fierce for police positions and supervisory and management jobs in law enforcement.


Whether or not "They've already picked who they want," THEY are not going to pluck you off the BOTTOM HALF of the list. Doesn't work that way.

Forget a one-point difference - I've witnessed one candidate be hired or promoted over another due to a quarter-point difference. One full point - only one test question - would have made all the difference.


Use my study system. Go in prepared, and score at the top. If you go in unprepared, and score low or fail, it will be much more difficult to convince them in the future that you are the best candidate for the position."


- Lt. Paul Patti, 1986

We are going to give you a great deal of information in these pages, and give you access to some free and paid resources that will help ensure you will get to where you want to go in law enforcement. There are entry-level and corporal - sergeant - lieutenant and captain written exam and oral board questions and assessment center  information posted throughout this site.

Here is a short article covering my opinion on the validity of written promotion exams in the police testing process.

More resources - Updated June 2024: How Police Officers Can Prepare for a Promotion - Preparing for a Promotion: A Patrol Commander's Guide to Success -

police officer employment examPolice Officer Exam Resources

entry level police officer examHere are just some of the topics we will feature for constant comment and ongoing coverage;

  • Promotional Resume
  • Sergeant Exam Questions
  • Sergeant Interview Questions
  • Lieutenant Exam Questions
  • Lieutenant Interview Questions
  • Captain Exam Questions
  • Captain Interview Questions
  • Police Oral Boards
  • Police Assessment Centers
  • Police In-Basket Exercise Examples

Send me written exam, oral board and assessment center questions you have faced - one of the column features is that I or one of my affiliates will research and comment on written exam or assessment center questions you have heard, answered or encountered and that you are unsure or curious about.

We will be glad to give you our expert opinion on questions you have seen asked on exams and exercises. Send your questions to me directly - Paul@PoliceCareer.com.



police examsAdvanced Police Promotion Testing Course

Study with hundreds more test questions from your textbooks using the Advanced Police Promotion Testing Course at PoliceCareer.com

police examsCase Law ProTM is the best method for officers to learn the law and prepare for upcoming exams and assessment center exercises!

CaseLawProTM will improve your scores in promotional written exams, oral boards and assessment centers by studying hundreds of factual law enforcement scenarios, and identifying correct as well as incorrect responses to each one. Keep your legal skills sharp, updated and tested - ready for the next round of promotion exams and assessments!


police test questionsPolice Written and Oral Board Exam Questions

law enforcement assessment centerI will cover the ever-changing topics and questions impacting police professionalism and promotions - such as "Which is more valid, is it evidence-based policing, intelligence-led policing, or CompStat policing?"

Actual Police Promotion and Oral Board Test Questions - choose your topic from the top menu or other links on this page, you will go to a page where I have included numerous actual police promotion test questions on the specific rank or topic.

Your Questions - answered - one of the column features is that I will answer your questions directly and on these pages. Send your questions to me directly - Paul@PoliceCareer.com.

"Is it harder to study for a police sergeant test or a police detective test?"

"I am taking my first Sgt. test for my very first try at promotion in only a few months. Which books should I start studying right now?"

"What is the best criminal investigation book to study for an upcoming detective exam?"

"I know that the oral boards in my department for lieutenant will be heavy on Leadership. What is the BEST leadership book to study for a lieutenant promotion?"

You will find out!


Police Entrance Exams and Exam Study Guides including the Police Employment Polygraph

police entrance exams

Police Entrance Exams - Information on the police entry level exam including the Police Officer Selection Test (POST).

Police Exam Study Guides - access some great material - some of it free.

Police Officer Interview Questions -  police oral board questions and answers.

Police Employment Polygraph Questions -  polygraph test questions for police officers.

Finding Police Jobs - great resources for finding police employment.

PoliceApplicant.com - more great resources for finding  police department employment.

Officer.us.com - Police entry level exam help for U.S. Military Veterans wanting to enter law enforcement.

Police Entry Level Exam Course - You receive a lot of material for only 29.95 - I believe there is no better value anywhere.

Police Officer Entry Level Candidates: Sign up to receive the FREE POAJS self-assessment exam along with our newsletter. Your email address and all your information will always stay private and confidential. Here is our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Sign Up Now

Police Corporal - Sergeant - Lieutenant - Captain and Above Exam Questions and Testing Resources

police officer promotion exam
Corporal Exam

Sergeant Exam

Lieutenant Exam

Captain Exam

Management and Administration Exams

Promotion Oral Boards (Detective, Corporal, Sergeant and above)

Promotion Assessment Centers (Sergeant and above)

Police Promotion In-Basket (Sergeant and above)

Supervision of Police Personnel study guide common sense police supervision exam questions police promotion exam practice study guide police ethics exam questions and answers

The #1 BEST WAY to Prepare for Exams? Study the Textbooks and take real promotion exams!

Patrol and Field Operations

Criminal Investigation

Community and Problem-oriented Policing - POP/COP

Police Ethics

Intelligence-Led Policing

Police Legal Textbooks - Law Officer's Pocket Manual and others

Police Leadership

Police Special Topics and Titles, such as below;

National Incident Management System - NIMS

President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing


Performance-based Management

Police Report Writing

Multicultural Law Enforcement

Why Law Enforcement Organizations Fail

police detective exam effective police supervision study guidepolice promotion course Police Captain Test