Here are the textbooks
you should use to prepare for your police sergeant test in a police
or sheriff's department. Police Promotion exams with up to 500+ questions, from 100+ great textbooks, are now available.
What are the best textbooks to study to prepare for
your police sergeant promotion exam?
Which textbook is chosen for
your agency's sergeant and corporal promotion exams depends on whether you are working for a large agency
(150+ sworn) or a medium agency (50 - 150 sworn) or a small agency
(under 50 sworn) or a very small agency (10 officers or fewer). You will also need to use your judgment and
knowledge of how the rank of sergeant is considered and structured in
your specific agency; is it considered strictly a supervisory rank, or if in a very small agency, say 10 officers or less, as an executive manager, i.e. assistant or deputy
chief? The biggest difference being, of course, as an executive you
need to be able to step in to lead your agency at any moment, so the
demands in education are much higher.
Here is a list of 9
supervision textbooks which typically appear on a police promotion
exam for the rank of Sergeant. After each title is the number of
questions we have available in
our testing
Basic Handbook of Police Supervision 240+
questions Common Sense Police Supervision 330+ questions
Effective Police Supervision - More and Miller 550+ questions
High-Risk Patrol - 360+ questions Police Field Operations - Adams
200+ questions Police Field Operations Theory Meets Practice 500+
questions Police Patrol Operations and Management 285+ questions
Supervising Police Personnel Strengths Based Leadership 250+
questions Supervision of Police Personnel 470+ questions
Promotional Exams with thousands of sergeant promotion
questions and police sergeant questions and answers are available for any
or all of the great textbooks listed on this page, and can be taken by you to use as study
material within the
Police Promotional Testing Course at
We have THOUSANDS of police sergeant questions
broken up by the textbooks you are studying.
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In my own career I rose
to the rank of lieutenant in a medium size agency with just under
100 officers. While lieutenant is normally not considered upper management
or executive rank, lieutenant in our agency became the third in
command because of a flattened organizational structure. We had eliminated the ranks of captain
and major and
expanded the pay and duties of lieutenants, and cut the executive
rank structure to be only one deputy chief and a chief of police. A
second deputy chief, technically a major's rank and position, was
also eliminated. So, I was in a special spot - as the senior lieutenant - I was
a division commander, but in the absence of the deputy chief or
chief or both, as the senior lieutenant I was expected to fill in as
acting deputy chief and even acting chief of police, which I did on
numerous occasions.
Also in my agency, because of this
flattening of the organization and shifting of responsibilities, the
sergeant rank also rose in responsibilities, performing many of the
mid-management tasks previously performed by lieutenants, including
acting as the watch commander on many shifts.
These are the
supervision textbooks that clearly stand above the rest for a police
sergeant promotional exam. I have written numerous exams from for the ranks of both
sergeant and lieutenant from each of them, but you will see them most often in use for
the police sergeant exam.
Any of them can be used in a small, medium or large agency, since
they each contain a comprehensive summary of supervisory,
management, administration and leadership principles.
Here are the questions we most hear
from our police sergeant promotion testing clients,
with our responses: What are the most common
police sergeant questions? How long is the police
sergeant exam? How do I study for a sergeant exam? How do I
prepare for a police sergeant interview? What is on the detective
exam? How do police officers get promoted to detective? Is a
police sergeant higher than a detective?
Responses: What are
the most common police sergeant questions? We have a
list of over 2,000+ police sergeant questions,
broken up between all the textbooks shown below on this page. How long
is the police sergeant exam? Great question! We write
exams for agencies also through our site so we
know the answer - it would be a minimum of 1 hour, but as many as 3
hours for the written exam, especially if essay and scenario written
promotion test questions are used. We think 2 hours is about the
average your sergeant's promotional exam should last.
How do I study for a Sergeant exam? We have been
in business since 1985, and we have developed a unique and highly
successful study method that applies to your police sergeant
exam -
The 10-Steps to Written Exam Mastery.
How do I
prepare for a police sergeant interview? There is only
one proven way to be assured you are the best prepared of all the
candidates for a police sergeant interview, and
that is to use the
Boards Made Easy(tm)
system of our affiliate, Assistant Chief (ret) Bill Reilly of
is on the detective exam? We have a whole page of
resources and information so you can see for yourself what
is on the detective exam. We write
police promotion exams for detective from all of the books on
this page, they are all top-notch textbooks to study and to keep
handy in your personal library as a reference source for your
detective career!
How do police officers get promoted
to detective? In many police agencies, detective - or
investigator - is an assignment and not a promotion. Usually in
larger agencies, detective becomes a specialty and is considered a
promotion that the agency will give a
promotion exam for. Then from there you can take an
exam for Detective Sergeant and
Detective Lieutenant and in very large agencies,
Detective Commander and Chief of Detectives.
Is a police sergeant higher than a detective?
This very much depends on the agency and its size and budget. If the
agency has a rank structure that includes
Corporal, often
Detective or Investigator is equal to that rank. In most medium
and large agencies, a Detective Sergeant, Detective Lieutenant and
higher are assigned to the Detective Division, and the rank of
Detective will then likely be equal to either an officer or at most
the corporal rank. Some agencies also designate micro-ranks, such as
Career Officer, or Officer I, II and III, or in the case of
Sheriff's Departments it would be Deputy I, II, or III or Career
Deputy. These micro-ranks usually fall just below the sergeant level
in the agency.
I need a list of the most common
police sergeant questions and answers, does your company
provide these? Yes, we do. We cover police sergeant
questions and answers from dozens of professional law
enforcement sergeant exam textbooks, but also our affiliate has videos
demonstrating the most common police sergeant questions and answers
found on police sergeant oral boards.
My BEST piece of
advice on this page? If you believe you are heading to a police
sergeant promotional exam any time in the future, if you are looking
for a great police supervision and management study guide, you need to own and
constantly read the material in the below textbooks.
is what you just said out loud, "All these textbooks! Oh, hell! No way!
Way too
No, "way too expensive" is what happens when you
don't start with your first promotion to corporal or sergeant, so of
course you then
cannot climb further up the ranks, and so you will leave $250K - $500K+
in a lifetime of pay and pension and benefits behind on the table -
all because you did not make the first step.
That is "expensive" - NOT the thousand dollars or so for these textbooks.
If you can't buy them - rent them and read them, one at a time.
I finally got that off my chest. These
books for police sergeant promotional exams are
not listed in any particular order. We have thousands of
sergeant promotion questions available for study from these
great textbooks.
of Police Personnel - Iannone -
now in its 10th edition. 470+ questions. From me; The most-used police supervision
textbook used for the
sergeant exam, and with very good reason - it
is the best all-around, thorough and balanced presentation on all
the topics the new supervisor is going to need. Is also used mostly
for a police sergeant promotional exam, but also in
promotional exams for lieutenant, especially in large agencies where
the lieutenant is more street than office oriented. Try free some
Supervision of Police Personnel test questions.
From the
publisher; Supervision of Police Personnel offers complete coverage
of the principles and practices of police supervision for leadership
training of supervisors in law enforcement and allied fields. This
newly updated text includes new chapters on legal concepts and
consequences for police supervisors, an also explores new management
topics impacting the profession. The text continues to explore relationships involved in individual and
group management methods and the practical techniques for carrying
out the various responsibilities of the police supervisor.
Discussions focus on real issues faced by police supervisors in
interpersonal, operational, and administrative relationships.
Written by experienced police officers as well as researchers,
Supervision of Police Personnel continues to present
time-tested content that is an indispensible resource for
promotional exams. Visit us for the
Supervision of Police Personnel exam, test questions, study guide
and flashcards. We have online police sergeant promotional exams
from this textbook for the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th
editions. You can also sign up to try the
Supervision of Police Personnel test questions as well as the
full online exam and the smartphone-friendly online
Supervision of
Police Personnel flashcards.
Police Personnel - Strengths-Based Leadership - by
Whisenand. From me; The Supervising Police Personnel study
guide and the promotion exam is often requested and used
extensively for study, and for very good reason. This is another long-standing and excellent choice for
a police sergeant promotional exam. The new 8th edition features all new
material focused on leadership traits needed in the new supervisor.
Use our promotion exam along with our study guide for this title to
really prepare yourself for a police Sgt. promotion!
From the publisher; Using an
interactive, three-part structure, Supervising Police Personnel:
Strengths-Based Leadership covers all the latest supervisory
concepts and practices–and emphasizes character, values and
strengths-based leadership throughout. It tackles issues such as
leadership, ethics, communications,
training, evaluations, empowerment and problem-oriented policing–
uniquely combining the human factor with the performance edge. The
new edition is broken into six leadership strengths: Character,
Clarity, Empowerment, Well-Being, Self-Control, and Teamwork. Along
with this new design come two entirely new chapters: Happiness and
Willpower. All of the chapters have been updated with new trends,
facts, and exercises. Visit us for the
Supervising Police Personnel study guide and the promotion exam,
test questions, answers, and the printed and online flashcards.
the Law Enforcement Organization - Proactive Leadership Strategies by
Jack Enter, Ph.D.
Great book. Well written, no jargon. Short enough but not too short.
You should read it, then put it down for a month or two, then read
it again. Great choice for a police sergeant promotional exam. From the publisher; Among the topics discussed are
chapters on the impact of living and policing an unskilled and
violent society, why law enforcement managers fail to successfully
impact their agencies, and chapters on self-management,
communication, motivation, and being more effective in our personal
lives. Many of these latter “strategy” chapters have examples of
proactive techniques used by law enforcement managers as well as
“action items” to apply the principles examined in each chapter.
Visit us for the
Challenging the Law Enforcement Organization exam, test questions,
study guide and flashcards.
me: Great book! Light on theory, heavy on practical application.
From the publisher: With Workplace
Gold -
Chief Ronald C. Glidden (Ret.) has written a strategy-filled
resource for both new and experienced supervisors. He gives
supervisors and managers at every level the tools they need to earn
employee trust and commitment while giving them practical easy to
follow steps to get the best performance results from their
employees. From building trust to requiring accountability; from
communicating clearly to giving recognition; Workplace Gold contains
invaluable and practical leadership strategies that supervisors and
managers can use every day.
Visit us today
for a Workplace Gold promotion exam, test questions, study guide and
flash card sets.
Policing: An Organizational Model for Proactive Crime Reduction and
Accountability From the
Publisher: Implementing effective crime reduction
requires deliberate thought and effort to integrate processes into
the police organization, its culture, and the day-to-day work.
Provides police leaders a clear path for institutionalization of
crime reduction modeled after current police processes. It sets up
an organization to more easily incorporate evidence-based strategies
into everyday operations with the goal of changing a police
organization from reactive to proactive. From me:
Groundbreaking - EXCELLENT work. Very focused, well researched, and
clearly presented roadmap for agencies of all sizes to achieve crime
reduction WITHOUT changing their agency size or rank structure. This
textbook is a great choice for
- Lieutenant and Captain promotions. Our exam has 200+ questions.
Cops in Turbulent Times by
Capt (ret) George Saadeh.
From me; Excellent new leadership and management title.
Well-researched timely perspective on police leadership. Now being
used in police sergeant, lieutenant, captain and upper management
exams. From the publisher; Leading Cops in Turbulent Times is a
clear roadmap to building high-performing organizations and teams
for current or aspiring public safety leaders. Whether you're a
police sergeant, lieutenant, captain or even Chief or Sheriff, this
book will help you build or improve the hard and soft skills that
are essential to great leadership. It is replete with practical,
common-sense advice and examples from historical figures and
contemporary leaders that will crystalize in your mind how to build
or improve your leadership skills.
Visit us for the
Leading Cops
in Turbulent Times exam, test questions, study guide and flashcards.
Police Leadership - Moving Beyond Management, by Thomas E.
Baker. From me; A very important leadership book I
have used often to write a
sergeant exam. From the publisher; In this much-anticipated
5th Edition, Tom Baker
expands on the revolutionary leadership insights that made his first
two editions so popular. This enhanced and expanded version explores
even more strategies that help agencies, administrators and officers
leverage crime data more efficiently and effectively. From
explaining what a leader must be, do & know, to plans for putting
expert-level leadership skills to work immediately, Effective Police
Leadership is gold for law enforcement leaders. Great leaders aren't
born, they're made...and this book makes them! Visit us for the
Effective Police Leadership exam, test questions, study guide and
Sense Police Supervision: Practical Tips for the First-Line Leader -
Gerald W. Garner. From me; I like this book a lot for new
supervisors. It is very well written, and in plain language. I have
written many corporal and sergeant exams using this textbook going
back to its very first edition. It covers all the material a new
supervisor needs, and gives them a good outlook on what lies ahead
- such as all their former comrades pushing their limits and
stopping conversations mid-sentence when you walk into the briefing
room. From the publisher; The purpose of this sixth edition is
to stimulate the veteran, novice, or would-be police supervisor to
utilize his or her most powerful tool, common sense, in carrying out
the duties of an effective leader. Made up of life experience, good
judgment, prudence, and a well-developed ability for solid reasoning
and logical decision making, common sense will guide the intelligent
supervisor in finding effective solutions to most of the problems he
or she will encounter while leading police personnel. Visit us for
Common Sense Police Supervision exam, test questions, study guide
and flashcards.
Through The Ranks - Leadership Tools and Techniques for Law
Enforcement. From
the Author and Publisher: Effective leadership is a journey, not a
destination. Rising through the Ranks will be the starting point in
that journey for thousands of men and women in law enforcement.
Telling real stories of leadership and courage from police
departments and investigative agencies, former DEA Leadership Fellow
and Pittsfield, Massachusetts Police Chief Mike Wynn is the perfect
author. As the only book of its kind, Rising through the Ranks will
prepare effective leaders from local police officers to federal
agents. From me: This is a short but very descriptive and
hard-hitting book on leadership and courage in the face of
adversity. Very good choice for promotion "through the ranks" from
corporal through captain.
Through the Ranks promotion exam, test questions, study guide and
Survival for Law Enforcement - A Guide for Officers and Their
Families- 1st Edition AND 2021 Update - From me: This excellent textbook is often used
in police corporal, sergeant and lieutenant exams. I see it
most used for the police Sgt. exam in large agencies. This
title should be required reading in all law enforcement agencies and
in all police academies, with copies for each police family member.
From the publisher; Dr. Gilmartin is a behavioral scientist who
specializes in issues related to law enforcement. With twenty years
of police experience under his belt, he currently provides service
to the law enforcement community as a consultant. In writing this
book, it was his goal to aid officers and their families in
maintaining and/or improving their quality of life both personally
and professionally.
Survival for Law Enforcement exam, test questions, study guide and
Handbook of Police Supervision: A Practical Guide for Law
Enforcement Supervisors - Gerald W. Garner. Now in its 2nd
edition. From me; This is an
excellent textbook to use for a police corporal exam in any agency,
or police sergeant exam for small to medium agencies. It does what
its title implies- it covers all the basics. It sticks to the theme
of basic, common-sense and tried-and-true supervisory methods, not
delving too deeply into theory or covering advanced supervisory
practices. From the publisher: This handbook provides reliable
guidance on what to do next and offers practical, no-frills advice
about what to do to counter the day-to-day challenges and outright
calamities that make up the first-line leader's work life. Perhaps
even more important, it offers time-proven recommendations on how to
prevent a bothersome situation from escalating into crisis
proportions in the first place. It will prove equally useful to the
veteran, novice or future law enforcement supervisor. Its sound
advice will help him retain his emotional as well as physical and
moral health in a real-world environment that seems to become more
challenging every day. It will help him to lead and bring his people
to share his practices and beliefs in doing a very critical job the
right way. Visit us for the
Basic Handbook of Police Supervision exam, test questions, study
guide and flashcards.
Supervisory Practices - Better Results Through Teamwork - 5th
Edition - ICMA Press -
From me; I like this book a lot for new supervisors, although it is
not written specifically for law enforcement or by law enforcement
professionals. Instead, it is written for government workers to
include law enforcement, fire service, and all other municipal and
county departments. It is well written, in plain language, with a
lot of illustrations. It covers all the material a new supervisor
needs, in a simple to follow and understand format. It places a
heavy emphasis on customer service and problem solving in the
workplace. This textbook is a great choice for a police sgt
From the publisher; ICMA’s newest edition of its
best-selling Effective Supervisory Practices: Better Results through
Teamwork gives today’s managers and supervisors a powerful tool for
understanding the many dimensions of the supervisory role and their
impact on helping to improve productivity, implement quality
management, and build an effective work team. Visit us for the
Effective Supervisory Practices exam, test questions, study guide
and flashcards.
to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice -
by Hess, Orthmann and Cho. From me; This is a 600+ page work which
covers all law enforcement topics and is a popular choice for police
corporal and sergeant exams. Very thorough, very well written, and
very well organized. EVERYTHING is covered, and in good detail. It
is a lot to take in, and it may be viewed unusual to assign this
book along with others to also study for a sergeant promotion.
Usually, agency clients can eliminate the chapters on courts and
corrections, bringing the study material down to "only" 500 pages.
In a nutshell, this textbook is a great choice for a police
sgt exam.
From the publisher; Fully updated to reflect the latest changes in
the field, this new edition provides comprehensive, practical
coverage of both law enforcement and the criminal justice system as
a whole (including courts, corrections, and juvenile justice) in one
convenient volume. Acclaimed for its uniquely accessible writing
style, many real-world examples, and its realistic and relevant
"boots on the street" perspective, this new edition is packed with
up-to-date information on today's hottest topics. These include the
numerous ways technology is changing the day-to-day operations of
policing; the recommendations of the President's Task Force on 21st
Century Policing, including the need to improve trust and legitimacy
with the public and a shift to a guardian mindset; the law
enforcement response to new terrorism threats such as ISIS and
homegrown violent extremists, the consequences of Brady-Giglio
violations, and more. Visit us for the
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice exam, test
questions, study guide and flashcards.
Supervision and Management In An Era of Community Policing -
Peak - Gaines and Glensor. From me; Excellent book for a police
sergeant promotional exam, or to study for
career enhancement. Excellent coverage of
community and problem-oriented policing management and leadership
topics. From the publisher; Taking a
problem-solving approach, this book provides readers with an
insider’s view of the challenging and demanding world of the police
supervisor or manager. Aimed at first-line supervisors and mid-level
managers, it covers basic human resource responsibilities (training
and evaluating officers, officer rights, etc.) and day-to-day tasks
(deploying and scheduling, responses to crime problems, etc.). This
edition includes new chapters on union and labor relations, police
operations and homeland security. Throughout, case studies get
readers thinking about the issues and exhibits show what some
jurisdictions are doing to address problems of crime and disorder.
Visit us for the
Police Supervision and Management In An Era of Community Policing
exam, test questions, study guide and flashcards.
and Supervision of Law Enforcement Personnel - Lombardo and
Schroeder. From me; Not to be confused with a similar title
described below. People are always getting the two mixed up. This is
a very nuts-and-bolts direct and to the point book that is easy to
read and study, and the presentation is in the format where you can
take this supervisory and management knowledge and run with it
without hesitation.
From the publisher; This title is a must read not
only for anyone studying for promotion in law enforcement, but also
for current managers/supervisors who would like to improve their
on-the-job performance. Topics include principles associated with a
police supervisor's or manager's role as a leader, planner,
communicator, performance evaluator, trainer, disciplinarian, and
human relations specialist. Visit us for the
Management and Supervision of Law Enforcement Personnel exam, test
questions, study guide and flashcards.
Police Supervision - More and Miller - now in its 9th edition.
From me; Excellent, comprehensive textbook. This exhaustive 500+ page work covers it all. I know many
agencies (especially medium to large agencies) that choose it for Lt as well as Sgt
promotion examinations. From the
publisher; Outstanding first-line supervisors are essential to the
success of any law enforcement agency, yet many officers lack the
supervision training necessary to excel. Effective Police
Supervision immerses readers in the group behaviors and
organizational dynamics supervisors must master in order to lead
their teams and to help create an effective police department.
Combining behavioral theory and updated case studies, this core
text, now in its eighth edition, is a vital tool for all police
officers preparing for promotional exams. Visit us for the
Effective Police Supervision exam, test questions, study guide and
and Supervision in Law Enforcement - Hess and Orthmann- From
me; I like this book for writing promotion exams and do it all the
time, and have written difficult and challenging exams way back to
the third edition. Now in it's 7th edition, this textbook is also
used in the New Jersey statewide civil service promotion exam for
Lt. From the publisher; a practical and straightforward book
that focuses on law enforcement managers and supervisors, their
jobs, and the complicated interrelationships between members of the
law enforcement team and the communities they serve. The seventh
edition begins with a general overview of the policing profession to
provide context for later discussions of the role of managers within
the field. Readers will learn about post-9/11 policing, research on
the effects of 9/11, and the latest on data-driven policing,
intelligence-led policing, evidence-based policing, and predictive
policing. A new "Ethical Dilemma" boxed feature challenges readers
to think critically about the moral issues faced by supervisors
every day. This comprehensive overview of the responsibilities of
law enforcement leaders, covering relevant topics ranging from the
newest principles in policing to the exciting technological aids
changing the face of law enforcement today, prepares readers to
become tomorrow's leaders. Visit us for the
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement exam, test questions,
study guide and flashcards.
Are YOU prepared to respond to these police
sergeant oral board questions?
"How would YOU describe your knowledge
and of police supervision and leadership?"
"How have
you, or will you, apply this knowledge?"
"What do you
feel MOST qualifies you to be promoted into this important
department supervisory and leadership position?"
"This supervisory position is all
about community and leadership. You are leading a team of
department community police officers, reporting directly to management. Describe in detail your own
philosophy of community and problem oriented policing, and how
you are prepared to provide leadership in these areas on day one
in your new rank."
up for our police promotion newsletters. You will be able to take
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questions from Criminal Investigation textbooks, and also receive
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Send me Exam and Assessment questions you have faced
- one of the column features is that I will research and comment
on written exam or assessment center questions you have heard,
answered or encountered and that you are unsure or curious
about, including any unusual in-basket items. We will be glad to give you our expert opinion on
questions you have seen asked on exams and exercises. Send your
questions to me directly -
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take free promotion exams online to try out our system,
including questions from police sergeant textbooks, and also receive
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Law Pro is
the best method for officers to learn the law and prepare for
upcoming exams and assessment center exercises!
will improve your scores in promotional written exams, oral
boards and assessment centers by studying hundreds of factual
law enforcement scenarios, and identifying correct as well as
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and assessments!
Police Sergeant Promotion Test Questions
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 1; The Supervisory Function "Assessment" comes under which of the 5
Supervisory Skill Areas? (A) Leadership (B) Knowledge
(C) Community (D) Human (E) Conceptual
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 2; Successfully leading change at any level of the organization is
the result of ___________. A innate behavior B learned
behavior C organizational motivators D political mandates
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 3; Outstanding supervisors have a significant attribute that
distinguishes them - it is (A) leadership ability (B) the
facility to communicate effectively (C) the ability to carry
out orders (D) the desire to motivate
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 4; The study and theory by Herzberg that concerns "What do people
want from their job?" is called (A) happiness - productivity
theory (B) motivation - hygiene theory (C) social - work
theory (D) satisfaction - productivity theory
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 5; Regarding significant beliefs within the police culture,
police believe that the war against crime can only be won by
(A) making the rules (B) ignoring the rules (C) following
the rules (D) giving them a great deal of discretion
Supervisors should especially be aware of the theory of
__________, which addresses in particular the needs of adult
learners. (A) argotsy (B) epistemology (C)
endocrinology (D) andragogy
Police Sergeant Promotion Question 6; Of the three styles of counseling listed below, which one has
the disadvantage of taking too much time for some situations?
(A) Combined (B) Directive (C) Nondirective (D) none of
the above